Roy Williams: The Voice of North Carolina

Roy Williams lends his voice to the promotional video for the U.S. Open Golf Championship at Pinehurst Resort, showcasing his love for North Carolina and his potential for a new career path.
Roy Williams: The Voice of North Carolina

Roy Williams: The Voice of North Carolina

As I sat down to watch the promotional video for the upcoming U.S. Open Golf Championship at Pinehurst Resort, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. The voice behind the video was none other than the legendary UNC basketball coach, Roy Williams. It was like hearing an old friend, and it immediately brought a smile to my face.

The familiar voice of Roy Williams

For those who may not be aware, the 124th annual U.S. Open Golf Championship is set to take place at Pinehurst Resort in Pinehurst, North Carolina, marking the fourth time the event will be held at this course. The excitement is palpable, and the video featuring Williams’ voice is the perfect way to build anticipation for the competition.

The U.S. Open Golf Championship is coming to North Carolina

As I listened to Williams’ voice, I couldn’t help but think about how much he embodies the spirit of North Carolina. His love for the state is well-documented, and it’s clear that he’s dedicated his life to the Tar Heels. But his passion for the state as a whole is just as evident. He’s a true son of North Carolina, and his voice is the perfect representation of the state’s hospitality and charm.

The beauty of North Carolina

The video itself is a beautiful tribute to the state, showcasing its natural beauty and highlighting the excitement of the upcoming championship. Williams’ voice is the perfect accompaniment, bringing a sense of warmth and familiarity to the proceedings. It’s a must-watch for anyone who loves North Carolina or is simply looking forward to the U.S. Open.

Roy Williams: the voice of golf in North Carolina

As I watched the video, I couldn’t help but think about Williams’ post-retirement life. He’s been spotted at various sporting events, supporting his beloved Tar Heels and taking in other games. But if he’s ever looking for a new career path, he could definitely consider voice acting. He’s got the perfect voice for it, and he’s already proven himself to be a natural in front of the microphone.

Roy Williams: the voice actor

In conclusion, the promotional video for the U.S. Open Golf Championship is a must-watch, and Roy Williams’ voice is the perfect addition to the proceedings. It’s a beautiful tribute to the state of North Carolina, and it’s sure to get you excited for the upcoming championship. So sit back, relax, and let the voice of Roy Williams guide you through the beauty of North Carolina.

The U.S. Open Golf Championship is coming