How Politics is Affecting Basketball in Thuringia

The rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany party is affecting basketball clubs in Thuringia, with many reporting difficulties in recruiting new players due to concerns about racism and right-wing extremism.
How Politics is Affecting Basketball in Thuringia

Basketball in Thuringia: How Politics is Affecting the Game

In the midst of a tumultuous political landscape in Thuringia, basketball clubs in the region are facing significant challenges in recruiting new players. The recent rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has created a sense of unease among potential recruits, with many expressing concerns about the growing presence of right-wing extremism in the region.

Basketball stadium in Thuringia

According to a recent Forsa poll, the AfD is currently leading in the polls with 30% of the vote, followed by the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) with 21%. This shift in the political landscape has not gone unnoticed by basketball clubs in the region, with many reporting difficulties in attracting new talent.

“The political situation in Thuringia is making it increasingly difficult for us to recruit new players,” said Bjorn Harmsen, coach of the Jena basketball team. “Many potential recruits are expressing concerns about the growing presence of right-wing extremism in the region, and it’s becoming a major obstacle for us.”

Florian Gut, coach of the Erfurt basketball team, echoed Harmsen’s sentiments. “We’re finding it increasingly difficult to attract young players from diverse backgrounds,” he said. “Many of them are expressing concerns about racism and the growing presence of right-wing extremism in the region. It’s a major concern for us, and it’s affecting our ability to build a competitive team.”

AfD rally in Thuringia

The concerns expressed by Harmsen and Gut are not unique to the basketball community. Many people in Thuringia are expressing concerns about the growing presence of right-wing extremism in the region, and it’s having a profound impact on the local community.

As the region prepares to go to the polls, it remains to be seen how the political landscape will continue to evolve. One thing is certain, however: the basketball community in Thuringia will be watching with bated breath, hoping that the situation will improve and that they will be able to attract the talent they need to compete at the highest level.

Thuringia landscape

In the meantime, the basketball community in Thuringia will continue to do what it does best: promote the values of inclusivity, diversity, and respect that are at the heart of the game. As Harmsen so eloquently put it, “Basketball is a game that brings people together, regardless of their background or politics. We just hope that the politics in Thuringia will start to reflect that.”

The Impact of Politics on Sports

The situation in Thuringia is a stark reminder of the impact that politics can have on sports. When politicians use divisive rhetoric and promote policies that are discriminatory or exclusionary, it can have a profound impact on the sports community.

Sports stadium

It’s not just the basketball community in Thuringia that’s affected, either. Sports teams and organizations all over the world are feeling the impact of divisive politics. From the NFL’s kneeling controversy to the ICC’s decision to ban cricket teams from countries with poor human rights records, politics is increasingly encroaching on the world of sports.

What Can Be Done?

So what can be done to address the situation in Thuringia and promote a more inclusive and respectful sports community? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Promote diversity and inclusion: Sports teams and organizations can promote diversity and inclusion by actively seeking out players and staff from diverse backgrounds. This can help to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone.
  • Speak out against divisive rhetoric: When politicians use divisive rhetoric or promote policies that are discriminatory or exclusionary, sports teams and organizations can speak out against it. This can help to promote a more positive and inclusive message.
  • Support organizations that promote inclusivity: There are many organizations that promote inclusivity and diversity in sports. Sports teams and organizations can support these organizations by donating money or volunteering time.


The situation in Thuringia is a stark reminder of the impact that politics can have on sports. When politicians use divisive rhetoric and promote policies that are discriminatory or exclusionary, it can have a profound impact on the sports community. However, by promoting diversity and inclusion, speaking out against divisive rhetoric, and supporting organizations that promote inclusivity, sports teams and organizations can help to create a more positive and inclusive environment for everyone.