Hoops for Hunger: Iowa Women's Basketball Stars Join Forces with Coralville Food Pantry

Iowa Women's Basketball stars team up with the Coralville Community Food Pantry for a unique fundraiser to support neighbors facing hunger.
Hoops for Hunger: Iowa Women's Basketball Stars Join Forces with Coralville Food Pantry
Photo by Karly Gomez on Unsplash

Hoops for Hunger: Iowa Women’s Basketball Stars Join Forces with Coralville Food Pantry


The Coralville Community Food Pantry is teaming up with Iowa Women’s Basketball players Sydney Affolter, Taylor McCabe, and newcomer Lucy Olsen for a unique fundraising campaign. The goal? To raise $20,000 to support neighbors facing hunger in the community.

Volunteers at the Coralville Community Food Pantry, which saw a 78% increase in visits and deliveries last year.

From July 8 to August 2, the three Hawks are encouraging fans to donate $20 or more for a chance to play a friendly game of H-O-R-S-E with them. And, thanks to Hills Bank, all donations will be generously doubled up to $12,500.

“Today, more than ever, our neighbors are struggling to access the most basic human need: food. With inflation at historic rates and harmful cuts to vital safety net programs, 2024 has proven even more difficult for our neighbors who are food insecure, while placing heavy demand on the Food Pantry.”

The Meet & Greet event, which will take place at the Coralville Community Food Pantry on August 2 from 3-4:30 pm, offers fans the opportunity to mingle with the players and donate essential items like menstrual products, diapers, and toiletries. In exchange, fans will receive a selfie or autograph with the athletes.

A friendly game of H-O-R-S-E with Sydney, Taylor, and Lucy awaits!

Those who donate online by July 30 will have a chance to participate in the game with the athletes. All proceeds will go towards supporting the Coralville Community Food Pantry and its mission to provide for those in need.

The Need is Greater Than Ever

Last year, the Coralville Community Food Pantry experienced a staggering 78% increase in pantry visits and home deliveries. The organization is counting on the community to come together and support this vital cause.

Donations of essential items like food, diapers, and toiletries are crucial to the Coralville Community Food Pantry’s mission.

Join the Effort

By supporting this campaign, fans can make a tangible difference in the lives of their neighbors. Donate today and take part in this unique opportunity to play with Iowa Women’s Basketball stars while giving back to the community.

The Coralville Community Food Pantry relies on community support to provide for those in need.