Germany's Golden Moment: Felix Neureuther's Emotional Rollercoaster at the Olympics

Felix Neureuther's emotional rollercoaster at the Olympics as Germany's women's basketball team makes history with their first-ever gold medal.
Germany's Golden Moment: Felix Neureuther's Emotional Rollercoaster at the Olympics

Germany’s Golden Moment: Felix Neureuther’s Emotional Rollercoaster at the Olympics

The German women’s basketball team made history at the Olympics, and Felix Neureuther was right in the middle of it all. The former World Cup skier was working as an expert for ARD in Paris and had the chance to witness the team’s thrilling victory over Spain in the 3x3 basketball final.

Felix Neureuther and Pascal Hens celebrate Germany’s gold medal

The German team’s 17-16 win over Spain marked the country’s first-ever Olympic medal in basketball. The team’s victory was met with jubilation from the crowd, which included big names like Dirk Nowitzki and Spain’s King Felipe VI.

But Felix Neureuther’s emotional rollercoaster didn’t stop there. Just hours earlier, he and former handball player Pascal Hens had witnessed a dramatic turn of events at the volleyball match between Germany and France. The German team had been leading 2-0, but ultimately lost the match.

Felix Neureuther and Pascal Hens react to Germany’s volleyball loss

Despite the earlier disappointment, Neureuther and Hens were over the moon with Germany’s basketball victory. They were seen hugging and cheering in the stands, clearly caught up in the excitement of the moment.

The German team’s victory is a significant milestone for the country’s basketball program, and it’s clear that Felix Neureuther was honored to be a part of it. As an expert and a fan, he was able to experience the thrill of victory firsthand, and his emotional reaction is a testament to the power of sports to bring people together.

Germany’s basketball team celebrates their gold medal

The Olympics are always a time for drama and excitement, but for Felix Neureuther, this moment will be one to remember for a long time. As he celebrated Germany’s golden moment, he was living proof that sports have the power to transcend borders and bring people together in a shared moment of joy.