Celebrity Basketball Tournament Featuring Scantily-Clad Women Sparks Controversy in Newark

A celebrity basketball tournament featuring scantily-clad women has been canceled in Newark, New Jersey, due to backlash from the community. The event, dubbed 'Nuttin' But Azz,' was set to take place at West Side High School, but was canceled after a promotional video sparked outrage among parents and community members.
Celebrity Basketball Tournament Featuring Scantily-Clad Women Sparks Controversy in Newark
Photo by Lumin Osity on Unsplash

A Celebrity Basketball Tournament Featuring Scantily-Clad Women Sparks Controversy in Newark

A recent controversy has been brewing in Newark, New Jersey, surrounding a celebrity basketball tournament that was scheduled to take place at West Side High School. The event, dubbed ‘Nuttin’ But Azz,’ was set to feature scantily-clad women competing in a basketball tournament, with tickets ranging from $50 to $500. However, the event has since been canceled due to backlash from the community.

According to a promotional video for the event, the tournament was set to award $10,000 to the best four teams, and would feature women in thongs and tight shorts twerking and dancing to music. However, the video sparked outrage among parents and community members, who expressed concern about the event’s content and its potential impact on the students at West Side High School.

In response to the controversy, Big Fendi, the celebrity music manager behind the event, issued a public apology to the city, the high school’s principal, and Newark Councilman Dupre Kelly, who helped secure the site for the event. Big Fendi stated that he took full responsibility for the event’s content and apologized for any offense or disruption it may have caused.

Newark school officials have also spoken out about the event, stating that they were unaware of the promotional video’s content and had approved the event as a community basketball tournament. The district has since canceled the event and is reviewing its policies for approving events at its schools.

The controversy surrounding ‘Nuttin’ But Azz’ has raised questions about the role of event organizers in ensuring that their events are respectful and appropriate for the communities they serve. It has also sparked a wider conversation about the objectification of women in sports and the importance of promoting positive and respectful attitudes towards women and girls.

The ‘Nuttin’ But Azz’ event was set to feature scantily-clad women competing in a basketball tournament, but was canceled due to backlash from the community.

The incident has also highlighted the importance of clear communication and transparency in the planning and execution of events. In this case, it appears that there was a breakdown in communication between the event organizers and the school district, which led to the controversy.

The ‘Nuttin’ But Azz’ event was set to take place at West Side High School, but was canceled due to backlash from the community.

Ultimately, the controversy surrounding ‘Nuttin’ But Azz’ serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting positive and respectful attitudes towards women and girls, and the need for event organizers to prioritize respect and sensitivity in their planning and execution.

The ‘Nuttin’ But Azz’ event was canceled due to backlash from the community.