Boeheim's Army to Sit Out The Basketball Tournament This Summer

Boeheim's Army will not be participating in The Basketball Tournament this summer, ending a nine-year run in the competition.
Boeheim's Army to Sit Out The Basketball Tournament This Summer

The Basketball Tournament (TBT) will be missing a familiar face this summer, as Boeheim’s Army has announced they will not be participating in the 2024 edition of the tournament. This marks the end of a nine-year run for the team, which was founded by Kevin Belbey and has been a mainstay in TBT since 2015.

Boeheim’s Army has been a fan favorite in TBT

According to General Manager Shaun Belbey, the decision not to participate was a tough one, but ultimately came down to the team’s inability to assemble a strong enough roster. Belbey stated that he tried “really hard” to get the best Syracuse players to form the nucleus of the team, but contract negotiations, injuries, vacations, summer schedules, and family obligations prevented enough SU players from committing this year.

Jimmy Boeheim, a key player for Boeheim’s Army

Belbey also mentioned that some overseas teams now prohibit players under contract from playing in TBT, which further limited their options. Ideally, the Boeheim’s Army roster would consist of six or seven former Syracuse players and a smattering of other talent to bolster the roster. However, this hasn’t been the case in recent years.

TBT bracket reveal set for June 26

The team would have played in the Pittsburgh bracket, where alumni teams from UConn and Pitt are registered to play. Belbey said that generating the $10,000 entry fee was definitely a factor, but the overriding issue was the lack of available former Syracuse bodies.

As a fan of TBT, it’s disappointing to see Boeheim’s Army sit out this year’s tournament. However, I’m confident that they’ll be back next summer strong. In the meantime, I’ll be rooting for the other Syracuse alumni teams participating in TBT.

Boeheim’s Army celebrating their 2021 championship